August 04, 2016 — August 07, 2016

Indiana Convention Center, Indianapolis, Indiana get directions

Gen Con is the original, longest-running, best-attended, gaming convention in the world!

Featuring hundreds of game companies, award-winning authors and artists, costumed attendees, more than 15,000 events, a Family Fun Pavilion, and the debut of exciting new games, Gen Con truly is The Best Four Days in Gaming™!

All Writers’ Symposium Events held at the Westin Hotel
across from the Convention Center.

Thursday, August 4th

4:00 p.m. Business of Writing: Courting Controversy | Congress I


Friday, August 5th

1:00 p.m. Crowdfunding: Running the Campaign | Congress I

2:00 p.m. Writing Novels: POV Headhopping | Causus


Saturday, August 6th 

12:00 p.m. Signing! | Exhibit Hall, near Indy Reads Books booth

6:00 p.m. Building Them Up: Character Craft | Capital 1
