The Writing Life


When I’m feeling really down about my work, I go to the bookstore downtown or down the street and I stand in front of the SF/F section. Then I open books at random and read the first few lines, the first paragraph. 98% of the time, it makes me feel a lot better. The rest […]

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Campbell Award Eligibility

Well, it looks like I’m still eligible for the Campbell award for Best New SF/F writer (2nd year of eligibility) because of the screwy rules regarding when Strange Horizons became a pro market. For anyone interested in voting, here’s the list of eligible nominees. SO VOTE! No pressure. 🙂 As usual, I’m a pretty small

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Printing, Printing

Printing tDW today (finally, after a lot of false starts). Takes awhile to print 600 pages. Jenn and I are halfway through season 1 of Babylon 5. Good show. Not much more to report. Dinner tomorrow with James and Ysabeau. Inputting some God’s War line edits. My backporch garden continues to grow.

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