
What I’m Reading

So, I have a confession… I read Conan novels. Yes, that’s right. The old-school Robert Howard Conan books with the lurid covers of gigantic barbarian man slaying Nameless Terror. Now, I know better than to read these books. I occasionally tote one of them with me on the train and giggle my way through my […]

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I was watching Girlfight again last night, and enjoying it infinitely more now that I had a conception of what exactly it takes to learn stance, do lots of jump roping, and try and get the combo punches down (“watch your footwork!” “don’t overextend, snap out, bring it back against your body,” “keep your hand

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The 1/4 Rule

I find the 1/4 rule facinating. According to my social psychology Ph.D. candidate roommate, people believe that women make up 1/2 of any group when only about 1/4 of the group is populated by women. My roomie and I tested this theory on various movies and television shows. The “token” female anchor or female character

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Ah, China

And, I just have to share an almost blistering review of China Mieville’s latest, Iron Council. As the SF/F genre has a terrible tendency to overhype/overpraise their own, it was nice to see somebody take China to task for some of the purple prose. He’s got some great stuff, fantastic ideas, and I fully intend

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