The Writing Life


I love me a good Wiscon, don’t get me wrong, but I’ve never stayed Thursday-Tuesday before, and yes, it’s Sunday night and I’m incredibly burned out. It takes a lot of effort to get ready for those things. After I blew through the first couple days of “I love all these people! It’s so great […]

Connage Read More »

In the BAG

I AM DONE WITH GW EDITS FOREVER. DONE I TELL YOU. FUCKING DONE. FINISHED all line edits today. FINISHED. NO, REALLY. I WILL NOT do any more edits on this book until or unless asked to do so by an editor or agent. IT IS IN THE FUCKING BAG. I HAVE BEEN WORKING ON THIS

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And So

If I declare myself and business and report my writing income ($4500), then I owe $1221. If I don’t declare myself a busines and report my writing income ($4500), then I owe $421. This probably wouldn’t have happened if I’d kept all of my con reciepts. EDIT: Final Federal taxes owed: $553 Yeah, right! I

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What Keeps Me Up At Night

“God’s War is a 97,000 word fantasy novel of faith, blood, betrayal and submission played out in the contaminated deserts of Nasheen, a matriarchal state engaged in a centuries-old holy war with polygamous Chenja.” Hm, no, that’s not right. I typed: Polygamous. No, that means multiple partners of either sex. What’s more than one wife?

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Mmmmm Query Letters

The only thing I hate drafting more than query letters are synopses. That’s going to be next. And I just printed out GW AGAIN so I can go through ANOTHER round of line edits. I hacked and combined several chapters during the last pass, and I need to make sure those run smoothly. I’ve also

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